February Retrospective
Update: Just in case people were worried (hah!), I'll only be in AEC for 2 months, so don't worry—8 more months of NYC will follow!
I wish I could be more profound about my photos this month, but when I look at them, the most prominent characteristic is that many reflect the cold. From the ice at Harlem Meer to the dogs playing in the snow to more than one picture of snowmen—it's clear that I was drawn to capturing winter! I guess that when most of your transit time is spent outdoors and in the cold, it really becomes an obsession.
I have one more month left in New York City, and then I go to Awesome European City. I'm looking forward to a new setting, although I know I'm already extremely lucky to be in such a fertile ground for subjects as NYC. It should be interesting to see how our photographic subjects change as we move on during the year. This is a demanding project, but my fellow participants (and known and unknown viewers!) really give me the motivation to continue.