Ianqui's 365 Project

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Let's get this thing started!

As advertised, I've decided to start up a new photoblog. I moved it off of Blogspot and onto a real (albeit free) photoblogging platform called aminus3. So, I introduce to you:

Don't leave me stranded here

There's one photo there now, and I'll put up another tonight. It even has an RSS feed, so go ahead and add it to your reader! Tell your friends! Update your blogrolls!

For a while, I'll be featuring photos from California because those are the shiny new ones you haven't seen yet, but eventually we'll get back to New York. I have to admit that I felt a real sense of relief and freedom leaving my house without my camera this morning. I really think that being able to take photos when I want to instead of having to will really be better for everyone.


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