Ianqui's 365 Project

Monday, February 05, 2007

36/365: Bunny Gargoyles

Bunny Gargoyles

How weird are these modernist bunny gargoyles? They're guarding a 3rd or 4th story window at a big, old bank building.

I had to try 3 times (on 3 separate shooting occasions) before I could get this picture to come out. The first time, I didn't bring my tripod, and the blurriness was out of control. The second time, I brought my tripod, but I still couldn't get a clear shot. I realized later that it was because I had mistakenly left the ISO at 200. But tonight the final epiphany occurred when we discussed using flash in my photo class. I realized that between jacking the ISO up and using the flash, the picture was sure to come out. I even learned that the exposure of the flash can be controlled, so that the subject isn't totally washed out.

I was going to follow Scrivener and Billie and jump on the shower curtain meme, but since I had to go outside anyway...So maybe tomorrow.


At 2/06/2007 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say somewhere between seriously weird and the weirdest thing I've seen lately.

At 2/06/2007 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused... why does leaving the ISO at 200 affect the sharpness if you've got the camera on a tripod?

And yes, adjusting the strength of the flash is the greatest thing ever. I don't know why P&S cameras come with the flash on so strong because no one knows that they can adjust this and so they think their flash is too strong for inside.

Also, cute bunnies! I love them!

At 2/06/2007 12:08 PM, Blogger Ianqui said...

liane--I think it's in Menu 2, there's an option called Flash Exposure Balance or something like that (I don't have my camera here). You can crank it down if you think it's going to overexpose the picture.

LL--the problem is that my tripod isn't really adequate for the 300mm lens, so even though I was using the tripod, I think the camera might have been moving (tilting back slightly on the tripod head). By correcting the ISO and using flash, the slight movement didn't matter so much.

At 2/06/2007 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's got big sharp pointy teeth, man!"

You've got great eyes to catch those guys!


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