Well. It has ended.
Like Scrivener, I started this project because I wanted to improve my photography. I had just gotten my dSLR in November of 2006, and was very excited about my new camera. Coincidentally, I left for a trip to Florida on Jan 1 last year, so I had already been taking pictures every day. When I got home on Jan 7, I discovered both a post about Project 365 on Photojojo, and that some of my favorite bloggers had already signed on to the project. It seemed perfect! I have been lucky, because I got to practice my photography in New York, New Jersey, Catalonia, London, Germany, Florida, Philadelphia, Baltimore, California, North Carolina, and New Orleans. I guess I did quite a lot of traveling this year!
I'm also proud of myself for actually staying true to the aims of the project. I posted a picture for every day, taken on that day. They weren't always great, but at least I never resorted to my cameraphone!
I am very glad that I did the project, but I'm also glad for it to be over. I definitely think that it's helped my photography to improve, but around September I started to resent having to take a picture just for the sake of having a picture. I appreciate the people who can find a beautiful angle on a pencil or a street light, but I do not excel at that kind of photography. And sometimes, that's what it came down to, when it was 6pm, dark outside, and I hadn't taken a picture yet. I'm also just as glad not to have to carry around my large camera every day. But I salute those of you who are still excited about continuing. I have learned a lot from all of the 365s that I followed (billie, liane, scrivener, bright star, jayfish, overread, beth, ampersand, julie, mike), and I'll stay subscribed to your feeds in hopes of new updates!
I think that this year my aim is to get a real photoblog, as in, take it off of Blogger and start using software that is more suited toward photoblogging. I won't necessarily take or post a picture every day, but it'll give me a chance to be more flexible—post new pictures, go back to the archives, skip a day if I want...Hopefully I can get that project together really soon so that I don't lose my small but loyal following! I'll announce the new space both here and on my regular blog (for those of you that check both of them).
In the meantime, there's always
my Flickr account!